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Showing posts from March, 2018


For generations, culture created a platform for a group of people to become innovative and expressive of their collective identity, however these expressions in forms of practices have caused society to be comfortable with repression. Discussions concerning the drawbacks that culture brings to its people and society as a whole is one that is often not challenged and most times overlooked, so as to avoid direct confrontation, and to neither disrespect nor upset the feelings of the creators. Majority of these traditional laws sometimes lack factual evidence for the reason of its existence, however it still remains implemented and active in society. Culture emerged as an excuse for men to justify the subordinate roles of women and to demonstrate forms of oppression against the female sex. On numerous occasions, the basic human rights are abused by these traditional practices and these effects encompass both genders and cultural discrimination in the workplace. Cultural stereoty...


Unarguably, a patriarchal system – where the male dominates in politics with avowed moral authority, social privilege and control of property, has been adapted and active worldwide for many years of years. However, the believe system is faulty with reasons. Patriarchy has forced women to believe that the presence of a man in her life should be viewed as an honour and a privilege, rather than a peaceful co-existing and co-operation of the two sexes. Consequently, the rights and dignity of women have continuously been trampled upon and abused uncountable times by men. The constant need that women feel to advertise themselves, truthfully or wrongfully to men has remained the norm for a great majority of women, who struggle often to please the man with utterances such as “I know how to cook” or “I will never leave my man if he hits me or cheats on me”. The ancient and current world views in our society have led a great percentage of the female sex to think that lowering their st...